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Dyna 2000 Digital Ignition Systems. Systems include Dyna 
2000 HD-1 Ignition Module and a matched Dyna Twin Fire Coil 
for each application.
VT No.  # 
32-0802 SFK-3 1996-99 FXST, FLST, 1996-98 FXD, L94-98 FLT
32-0804 SFK-1 Pre1991-95 FXST, FLST, 84-94 FXR, 91-94 FLT
Dyna 2000 Ignition Modules Replacement can be used 
with stock electronic ignition.
Note: The stock ignition consist of a sensor plate and 
rotating cup. The 2000 will work on all 1970-up models but 
requires the 1983-up type ignition cup and sensor plate. The 
2000 Advance curves will not work properly if installed with 
the pre1983 ignition cup and sensor. Dyna 2000 HD-1 can be 
used with both single fire (separate coils) or Dual fire (Single 
Coil). The Dyna 2000 HD-2 can be used as dual fire only. 
Both units feature programmable advance curves,rev limiter 
and LED diagnostic lamp for easy static timing and plugs 
into stock harness and bolts to stock module location. Also 
available with USB port that will allow mechanics or tuners 
more advanced programming but requires separate purchase 
of Dyna Programming kit. 
Note: Can only be used with sup-
pression spark plug wires. On 1984-90 models Dyna exten-
sion harness must also be used.
VT No.    Item/Plug 
32-9113   Dyna 2000 HD-2E, 7 Pin   
  with USB Port
32-9114   Dyna 2000 HD-1E, 8 Pin   
  with USB Port
32-1074   DD2000-HD7EFI 2010-16 FLT with EFI
32-1075   DD2000-HD8EFI 2007-11 FXST, FLST with EFI
32-1076   DD2000-HD9EFI 2012-up FXST, FLST with EFI
32-9087   Ignition Cup Only
32-9020   Sensor  Assembly
32-9052   Cup Screw, 10 pack
32-9117   Programming Software for 32-9113
32-9118   Programming Software for 32-9114
32-9119   Programming Software for TC 88-2P
Dyna Twin Fire Ignition Coils are designed to work with 
Dyna 2000 HD-I ignition modules. Twin fire coils are slightly 
larger than stock coils and fit the stock mounting bracket. 
Twin fire coils can be used with any electric advance ignition 
system that incorporates dwell control except Dyna DS6-2 or 
similar type ignitions.
VT No.  Dyna 
32-9285  DC6-5  3  (A)Twin Fire II Miniature Dual Output 
  Towers, Replaces DC6-3
32-9264  DC6-4  3  (B) Four output towers
  Fits Dual Spark Plug
Dyna Application 
DC6-5  All FXR-FXST and Dynaglide models 
DC6-4  Dual Spark Plug Head Application
VT No.  Fits
32-9501  Dual Fire Ignition fits Evolution, Shovelhead and  
Sportster through 1997. It can be set for Street or  
Race-Electric Start or Kick Starter. Includes 4000 to    
8000 adjustable RPM limiter and adjustment for rate of  
advance. This unit is compatible with stock dual fire    
32-9500  Single Fire Ignition fits Evolution, Shovel and Sportster  
  through 1997. It can be set for Street or Race-Electric  
  or Kick Starter includes rear cylinder timing adjustment  
for rate of advance. Compatible with single fire coils. 
32-9503  Single Fire Ignition Kit fits As Above
Includes coil and 8.5mm wires.
32-0588  8.5mm Wire Set
Notes for installation:
Red = Positive (coil)
Black = Negative (coil)
Brown = Tach
White = Topped Up (not used)
Green = Voes (vacuum switch)
Notes for installation:
Red = Positive (coil)
Black = Negative (front cylinder coil)
White = Negative (rear cylinder coil)
Green = Voes (vacuum switch)
Brown = Tach
Important Note: 
Some items on this page may be emission-related parts subject to California or other emission control laws. Please 
see note for important information regarding emission control regulatory compliance and warranty information.
S&S H1-4N Multi Function 
Performance Ignition
 features one 
piece machined aluminum housing, BCD 
switches with solid detent and legible 
markings, which allows easy adjustments 
of mode. Advance rate and rev limit, sin-
gle or dual fire operation and initial timing 
marks that allows precise adjustment. 
Fits 1970-99 XL. Also available as an 
ignition kit which includes HI-4N ignition, 
single fire coil and 8.5 mm plug wire set.
Unilite Breakerless Ignition System for all 
1970-99 Twins. Unilite Dual fire module fea-
tures integrated photo coupler, signal proces-
sor and power switch. Requires mechanical 
advance assembly and ignition coil with 3.0 
to 4.0 ohms.
Ignition Module Adapters allow use of seven pin module 
(1991-93) going to eight-pin Deutsch (1994-99) wiring harness 
or an eight pin module going to a seven pin harness. Cannot 
be used on electronic fuel injected models.
VT No.  Fits
  7 Pin Adapter to 8 Pin Module
32-0086  8 Pin Adapter to 7 Pin Module
VT No. 
Ignition System
Mechanical Advance
V-Tech Ignition Systems fit all 1970-98 carbureted models 
and requires sensor cup for 1982 and earlier applications. 
Order tach interface, sensor cup and screw separately if 
Note: Order Coils As Required.
VT No.  Item
 HI-4N Ignition
32-1732 HI-4N Kit